Our Rooms

The setting creates an enabling environment in which children learn and develop. As a setting we offer a service that promotes equality and values diversity.

Baby Area

Our baby area is for our youngest children from birth to walking and the emphasis is on a warm comfortable safe stimulating environment which enables children to explore play and rest safely. 

We thrive to build strong relationships with our babies parents and carers. Your baby will be assigned his or her own key-person in order that strong relationships can be built and a special understanding between the member of staff, yourself and baby can be developed. 

The contentment and happiness of your baby is paramount.


Our Honeys toddler room is the next step and the emphasis in this area is fun, play and stimulation. The children have access to a wide variety of toys and activities to promote the development of many skills appropriate to their needs. The room is spacious and bright with a wide variety of activities for the children with a range of messy and creative activities. 

The children take great delight in the many musical activities on offer to them whether it be a physical dance activity or singing the many songs we share. 

Children spend time daily in the garden. 

Early Years 

Our Bumbles Early Years room offers lots of varied stimulating experiences for the children to make choices and have opportunities to extend and develop their skills. We feel it important to give the children a blend of informal child-initiated experiences, balanced with some more carefully planned structured activities geared to enhance their learning at the appropriate level. We pride ourselves on preparing the children for their next step to big School. 

The children have a permanent book room, mark making area and roleplay corner which enables us to create a language rich environment. The children are actively encouraged to be independent and have free access to all toys and equipment which they can explore freely. Our emphasis is on ‘Learning Through Play’. 

Early Years children have their very own outdoor free flow garden enabling them to choose between indoor and outdoor activities during parts of the day including giant sand pit, water play, climbing, running, jumping, sliding, building dens, using the mud kitchen and weekly sessions in our forest school. 

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